Shop at Dash & Joy
At Dash & Joy, we aim to provide you with brands from around the world that produce with a sense of originality and authenticity.
We believe that Style is more important than fashion trends and that the prints, fit and quality are the most important requirements. We also only select brands that use as much sustainable fabrics and materials as possible and are ethically made.
The Dash & Joy style is a bit quirky, a bit vintage but still stylish and modern and suitable for all ages. Clothing and Accessories that will never date and that can be easily mixed and matched with your current wardrobe.
An online boutique filled with authentic and original international brands.
We are the Official Distributor for Australia & New Zealand for the brands King Louie, Sticks And Stones, Sugarhill Brighton and Pretty Vacant.
These brands are well regarded international brands that are stocked in select boutiques across the world.
These brands can also be found at our lovely stockists across Australia and New Zealand and if you wish to see the products in person please feel free to email us for the details of your local stockist.