LEGEND - A premium brand of Dutch leather goods including belts and bags, sustainably produced.
Dash & Joy is happy to let you know that LEGEND premium Dutch leather goods are now available for the Australian and New Zealand market. We’re now the distributor of all kinds of leather products from LEGEND, like colourful bags—from cross body bags to everyday bags—to belts and belt bags, as well as their very popular phone bags.
LEGEND styles are authentic, fashionable, and suitable for all women. Using top-of-the-line leather, each product is designed to be a legend on its own, having been crafted using materials that have been sourced ethically and responsibly, including the leather itself.
Dash & Joy is in the frontline of retro-inspired fashion, searching for the latest vintage fashion accoutrements that evoke all things retro. We hunt high and low to offer you the world’s best, creating a unique collection that is truly distinctive and reflective of your taste. We are a proud distributor of brands that understand and appreciate the value and charm of the olden days while still being in sync with today’s trends.